The slayer steam

The Slayer Steam Pros and Cons

Coffee news • 03.11.2017

What seems like just a few short  weeks ago we installed our Slayer Steam (purchased through Di Pacci Coffee Company in Sydney). It arrived in all its Beauty and our team of techs quickly began the instal... from what we had heard through other cafes using the Steam and the reviews/forums that follow this product our expectations were driven sky high and we were expecting the nectar of the Gods to flow from the minute it was plugged in .. as we all know things are never that simple ... Firstly for anyone contemplating the purchase or in the process of installing one breathe, because yes they are well worth their weight in gold! Once we installed the steam Lewis and I began to dial it in, immediately we noticed that everything was slightly different and the plug and play method was not going to work. The dose needed for a good extraction was different our method of tamp changed and we introduced the acacia lunar scales as small differentials in dose from the EVO f64s were now showing up through channelling or sloppy pucks. I think it would be fair to say it took us about a week to get to know this beast well enough to be confident in it. It is worth noting that we have changed our showers from IMS to VSTs as we found the IMS ones tended to buckle inward causing water to flow around the shower instead of through it... So, here is what we found, the Slayer Steam does not automatically make you a better barista overnight but its does push you  to new levels by highlighting your weak spots  hence forcing you to zone in and improve your methods and skills. Now, lets have a look at the Steam component; The Slayer Steam has most definitely addressed the Slayers predecessors steam issues and delivers a beautiful vaporised silky smooth texture, however once again the steam technology and its function are no walk in the park and does not change but rather enhances the fact that the barista must be focused and pay close attention to detail. My favourite thing about the Slayer Steam would have to be it's multi boiler technology which without a doubt keeps the machine running at very consistent levels all day everyday! And thank goodness finally we have a drip tray with all the right angles for draining the dregs away!!!  As for my title Pros and Cons, the honest truth is I am yet to discover a negative on this sexy beast !!!